The sugar crystallization process is monitored by operators viewing through the vessel sight glasses. The sugar crystallisation process occurs under vacuum, so it important to have no leak paths in order to maintain the full vacuum, boil at a lower temperature, and save on energy. If a tempered glass sight glass is used, it cannot be fully tightened in place due to the risk of cracking the window and ruining the batch. By using a Canty Fuseview™ the user is tightening on metal so cannot over torque and damage the window. A full seal is maintained, and so a full vacuum is achieved, resulting in huge energy savings. |
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Monitoring of centrifuge processing (either a batch or continuous) is done through the use of the Canty Fuseview™ and Fibre Optic Lighting System, providing the operator with light on sight on one vessel connection, saving space on the vessel head, and also ensuring optimum illumination of the area which the operator is viewing. Canty also provide a modular camera light combination unit to provide a remote continuous view of the centrifuge process from the control room. Cantyvision image analysis software allows for sugar cake thickness measurement, sugar cake colour (used to indicate stage of filtration), and position of colour line (continuos centrifuge). |
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Canty provide a direct inline colour & turbidity analyser, to analyse the fluid discharged from the clarification process, in order to determine if it is within specification. Combining Canty’s imaging, fused glass and lighting technologies, the colour of the liquid can be analysed on a number of colour scales (YUV, RGB, Lab), which can be taken as a direct measurement, or related to a specific NTU or FTU turbidity value. The image analysis software has the ability to filter out any air bubbles from the analysis, meaning only a true colour / turbidity measurement is performed on the fluid. |
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Product QC
The final product needs to be subjected to quality control in order to determine if the sugar crystals are the correct size and shape, and also that the concentration of black specks / burned sugar crystals is within specification. Canty’s range of image based particle analysis systems provide true size and shape characterisation, with each particle measured under 13 size and shape parameters. Canty’s imaging systems also offer the option of Black Speck detection within the sugar sample. The systems can be run at line through the use of a sweep sampler, or offline as laboratory instruments. |
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Solids Handling
The final sugar product is transferred to storage / packaging by means of conveyor belt. In order to know the quantity of product produced, it is important to have an accurate volume measurement. Traditionally, volume belt scales are used, but there can be significant time spent on maintenance of this equipment due to the nature of how the measurement is performed. The Canty Volume Flow system is a non contact visual measurement of the product area profile on the end of the conveyor. This area measurement can be combined with the velocity of the belt (separate measurement required) in the operators control system, to provide an accurate volume flow measurement. |
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